It was very pleasing to see Mike Dugiud is beginning to return to health after his accident earlier in the year and that he was able to attend and deliver the oration at the annual Brow Well Ceremony on the 21st July.  It was warm, with the evening sunny shining across the Solway Firth which added to the atmosphere that made this a particularly memorable event and once again a large number of people gathered to join with the Scottish Southern Counties Burns Association ceremony and social gathering there after.  The usual minister had retired since last year ceremony and has not been replaced as yet however the interim Moderator Neil Campbell, whilst not a Burnsian, rose to the occasion and seemed to have done some research for his part in the ceremony, and the Psalm chosen was one which most people know and could sing which helps.

Thereafter we retired to the Bruce Hotel in Annan where Jane Brown was compere for evening.  We enjoyed entertainment from many talented individuals from across the Southern Counties and beyond.   The magic buffet that kept re-appearing and moving tea cups added to the entertainment.  A great night made better by the company and the stars who performed