On the 24th July the Edinburgh & District Bruns Clubs Association held there first Anniversary Celebration including a poetry competition which they hope will become an annual event.  For the inaugural event I was privilaged to have been invited to attend for the full days celebration of our national bards time in Edinburgh.  The day started at the recently renovated Robert Burns Monument on Carlton Hill where a dedication was given, the Lord Provist of Edinburgh welcomed the guests and we were entertained with poem and song from the hand of the bard.  we retired from the monument to the Edinburgh city chambers for a civic reception as guest of the city, a magnificant building with spectacular views across Waverly station and Princess Street to the New Town beyond.  It was an pleasure to be able to see inside the city chambers, the artifacts and paintings adorning the walls are spectacular, the Lord Provist welcomed us all to Edinburgh.   It was again a pleasure to see Mike Duguid president of the Robert Burns World Federation Ltd. was able to attend and give an oration.  

In afternoon the E&DBCA held the poetry competition,  competitors had to deliver a poem or epistle written by Burns of between 70 and 150 lines, the Howff Clubs Gordon Johnston delivered "The Inventry" and I though that he should have been in line for a prize, but sadly the judges didn't agree however it was a fine afternoon listening to some of the best deliveries and different styles. 

The day was finished off with an evening of sang and clatter or as they say in the Auld Reekie a Harmony Night.