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View Article  "September Song"

September is always a busy month with preparations for the start of the functions. Thursday 2nd, out to the Municipal Chambers at 7.00pm for a Civic Reception by the Council in honour of Mike Duguid’s year as president of the RBWF. This was postponed from May due to his accident. Glass of plonk and some nibbles. The budget was £4.50 per head which was not bad considering spending restrictions by the Council. Welcome from the Convenor and speeches from Mr. Duguid and David Baird. Music was supplied by Willie McRobert and Ian Kirkpatrick.

Saturday night, a BBQ at the seaside residence of the president and family. Although the weather was slightly damp, the excellent barbecue was prepared and consumed outdoors but the ladies chose to stay in the garage. Midges were a problem but the hospitality was generous and the setting by the shore was spectacular with views to the Cumbrian coast.

Sunday evening, an invitation to dinner at the Globe to meet Ron and Chris Ballantyne, visiting Burnsians from Canada and the North American Burns Assoc. Superb meal and lively entertainment to which everyone contributed.

The annual conference of the Burns Federation is always a highlight in the calendar. Aberdeen was the venue this year and the club was well represented with a full turnout of office bearers. I had the pleasure of driving David Miller and John Caskie and  hopefully managed to avoid the speed cameras but I’m told there is still time. The Altons Thistle Hotel on the south side was comfortable and the Friday evening reception was lively. Mr. Miller and I was host at the after-hours party at which a prodigious quantity of refreshments were taken. Saturday morning, the business meeting was probably the most disorganised I have attended and was glad to escape with the rest of the delegation to the town centre by bus where we had an excellent bar lunch in the Prince of Wales pub off Union Street. The Saturday Night Dinner was enjoyable and some amusement was caused during the investiture ceremony at which our own David Baird was enthroned as president for the ensuing year. The late night party was restrained which was just as well for early on Sunday morning, I drove Mr. Miller to the airport for a flight to Heathrow to join his family for a holiday. On return to the hotel, it was discovered that the busses to take delegates to St. Machar’s Cathedral failed to materialise so the president, Mr. Caskie and I journeyed to Dumfries and run the gauntlet of the speed cameras again. The weekend was most enjoyable but some issues have to be addressed by the Conference Committee. Delighted that our treasurer made it to the top, the pinnacle of any Burnsian’s career.

Tuesday 14th, meeting of the Constitution Revision Committee where Frank and colleagues wrestle with the labyrinth of draughting a constitution fit for the 20th century. At this rate, the finished product will be the size of a novel.

The sad news of the death of Lionel McClelland was received with deep regret and the club was represented at his funeral at Moffat by David Baird, Gordon Johnston and I. The kirk was packed and tributes were made in song and poetry. Following the service, a jazz band led the hearse to the cemetery.

Dumfries Burns Club held their “Autumn Evening” at the Observatory Museum on Friday 17th. This was an illustrated talk by Graham Roberts of the Library Service on “Tower Houses of Dumfries & Galloway” and was a fascinating view and tales of historic towers and keeps from all over the region. Better quality plonk and nibbles than the Municipal Chambers.

Sunday 19th September, the annual bowling match with Dumbarton Burns Club. This year, Dumbarton was host and a party of members and friends travelled by luxury minibus to Dumbarton to be welcomed by President Dr. Patrick Trust and his members. After a welcome refreshment, teams were marshalled and bowling commenced in a light drizzle which did not quench the spirits. A number of intervals were called to stoke up and at the end, the result was declared a draw, which was just. Members were entertained to an excellent tea before departing homeward sans Quaich. A super day with great camaraderie with the Dumbarton boys and some lovely malts as well.

The Dumfries Ladies Burns Club No. 1 has the unenviable task of organising the annual Tam O’ Shanter reciting completion. In your bloggers opinion, this is torture refined to an exquisite degree but the president said he was going so I had to go as well. Six “Tams” strutted their stuff on 21st September in the Globe and the judges which included David Baird as president of the RBWF arrived at the wrong result. Ted Murray has promised to learn the poem and enter next year. John Caskie lifted the spirits with some great half time songs and stories.

Thursday 23rd, at Last!!, the application to the Lottery Heritage Fund for the club’s Centenary Banner restoration, was completed and sent off via cyberspace. The time estimated for a decision is 10 weeks. Thanks due to President Neil for his computer skills.

Saturday 25th the quarterly meeting of the Southern Scottish Counties Burns Association was held in the Globe Inn and heard reports from the Federation conference, amongst other things. Warm congratulations were accorded to David Baird on his election as president.  A pleasant lunch followed.  DS


View Article  Ooh Tam

It was a shame that some of the competitors weren’t able to attend through illness and I hope that you are getting back to normal again, however the Dfs Ladies once again did themselves proud by running a slick competition in conjunction with the Globe Inn.  5 worth renditions of Tam ‘o Shanter  and I think non of the audience could agree the winner so I’m not sure how the judges decided but whilst they were deliberating John Caskie entertained us to his usual excellent standard.  Well done John.

And congratulations to all the entrants a worthy effort.


View Article  Booled oot

I really think that we should all go back to school and learn to count, but as usual we were extremely well looked after and it was a pleasure to be with our friends fra Dumbarton.  Despite some heavy rain showers we managed to play enough ends to get some scores on the cards and the count showed “A DRAW” but I guess when we’re with friends we’re all winners.  Thanks again for the Meal and your hospitality guys a supper day, see you in Dumfries next year and mind you don’t lose the trophies…..


View Article  Federation Annual knees up

The usual eccentric exuberance, a few squabbles, and great fun.   


Congratulations to David Baird on his election as President of the Federation .


All in all a good weekend.

View Article  Congratulations Mike

As most Burnsians are aware Mike Duguid was involved in an accident earlier in the year, but the SSCBA had arranged a civic reception osted by Dumfries and Galloway Council to mark his year in this prestigious job.   It was a pleasure to be asked to attend on behalf of the Howff Club to wish Mike all the best Patsy Gilroy welcomed everyone and congratulated Mike on his achievement in the absence of Provost Groom, it was also nice to see Ian Kirkpatrick playing the millennium fiddle.

Well Done Mike…