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View Article  Hallowe'eeeeen

I know that we president are only here for a year but like others before me I always hope that everyone will have a great night, one of my objectives for the year is that people enjoy themselves wi' their friends, and whilst we weren't in the Globe Inn, I was quite sure that we would have a really good evening. 

We were again in for a treat as Andy Kain and Liam Stewart were performing for us again - last time they were at the Globe I was not able to appreciate their ability as I was through in the Snug but this time I really enjoyed their performance.  Added to that our own John Caskie, Les Byres, Frank Curran and our guest speaker Iain Scott, or Scottie fra Scocha and we had an excellent evenings entertainment but it just would have been better in the Globe.

My thanks to all the artists and guests for their contributions and also to Hon. Sec. DS for his organisational prowess   

View Article  Hallowe'eeeeen

I know that we president are only here for a year but like others before me I always hope that everyone will have a great night, one of my objectives for the year is that people enjoy themselves wi' their friends, and whilst we weren't in the Globe Inn, I was quite sure that we would have a really good evening. 

We were again in for a treat as Andy Kain and Liam Stewart were performing for us again - last time they were at the Globe I was not able to appreciate their ability as I was through in the Snug but this time I really enjoyed their performance.  Added to that our own John Caskie, Les Byres, Frank Curran and our guest speaker Iain Scott, or Scottie fra Scocha and we had an excellent evenings entertainment but it just would have been better in the Globe.

My thanks to all the artists and guests for their contributions and also to Hon. Sec. DS for his organisational prowess