The run up to Hallowe’en is always busy but this time further complicated by the temporary closure of the Globe but a meeting with Stewart Black at the Moreig on 14th ironed out potential problems and things look good for the Supper on 1`st November. Friday 16th Nov, invited for a meal at the Aberdour followed by the Scottish Fiddle Orchestra concert at DG One. Meal and company was excellent and the concert, MC’d by Jim McColl of the “Beechgrove Garden” was fantastic, featuring a superb Tenor and Mezzo Soprano as soloists and also the D&G Police Pipe Band. Every seat was taken. Good to see John Mason, the conductor, who brought the “Strings of Scotland” to the Academy Hall several time in the 1980’s, hosted by the club,  Locharbriggs Community Centre was the venue for a special meeting on 19th to discuss the Website and how help can be offered to the Webmaster to keep the site updated. Agreed that John Caskie, Kenny McKinnon and I will prepare content for posting by Neil. The Moreig again on 21st to meet with Peter Kormylo, John Clark, the president and librarian to discuss arrangements for the launch of Peter’s translation of Burns into Ukrainian. The sample featured superb illustrations by John Clark. Agreed to launch on 15th November at the Globe with a reception for the sponsors and press. Nibbles and cheap plonk to be served. Excom meeting on the 25th was constructive and harmonious due to the chairmanship skills of the president. Full house for Hallowe’en and a seating pan to be drawn up. Duties allocated to members and the programme announced. The second club night was held in the Moreig on 28th when Marion Aitken gave a fascinating illustrated talk, on Robert Burns and “Annie Laurie at Friars Carse” dealing with the relationship between the Laurie family of Maxwelltown House and the Riddell’s of Friars Carse, the poets neighbours and friends. The attendance was disappointing and I wonder, not for the first time, why members ignore these interesting nights. Hallowe’en was a superb night. The guest artistes, Andy Kain and Liam Stewart on the fiddle and box respectively were pure magic and were the highlight of the night. Guest speaker Iain Scott was entertaining and the supporting artists from the club were excellent. Some amusement was caused when Past President Jim Haining “found” the silver 3d and accepted the half bottle of strong drink with alacrity. Good meal and service from the Moreig  but lacked the atmosphere of the Globe.

Monday 8th November, two fast cars left Dumfries with 10 members for a trip to the Mitchell Library in Glasgow where arrangements had been made for access to the famous Burns Room with its magnificent collection of 4500 volumes of Burn’s works and other material. Met by the Curator, Christine Henderson and a fascinating hour and a half spent in browsing. Peter Kormylo who met the party on arrival, regaled Christine with a rendition of “Scots Wha Hae” in Ukrainian and presented her with a copy of his translation. The lassie was almost overcome with emotion. Earlier, a call was made at the premises of Hurry Bros. Specialist Glaziers, on the London Road, to collect the facsimiles of the three window panes with inscriptions by Burns, removed from the Globe Inn in 1834. Our glazier, Matt Sempie, has produced superb copies of the panes, which together with three pieces of matching antique glass, will be reinstated in the Globe during their 400th anniversary year.  Tuesday, 9th, met up with the president, librarian, John Clark and Peter Kormylo to meet a journalist, Andrea Thomson, from DG Life, to discuss Peter’s book and arrangements for the launch on 15th November.  It’s great when a plan comes together, have now had confirmation from Radio Solway, Dumfries Standard and the Courier, as well as DG Life, that they will attend.  Hey, Ho.  Meantime, met up with the president to draw up the programme for the St. Andrew’s Night Dinner and in my “spare time”, compiled the newsletter for the SSCBA Quarterly meeting on 4th December.  DS