David Smith, our honory secretary, and I travelled by magic carpet to Hopeton House after many communications with the National Trust for Scotland we had managed to get to see the panes of glass which had been removed from The Globe Inn and sold in the early 19th century. 

The Glass panes are undergoing restoration by conservators at Hopeton House in view of the Forth bridge.  We would have liked to repatriate the panes to The Globe Inn especially as this is the 400th anniversary of the inn, however they are in a very fragile state, and the National Trust will not allow them to leave their 'care', ultimately they will probably be on display at the new Robert Burns birth place museum at Alloway.  As a result the Howff is interested in commisioning reproduction or facimilies of the panes which will be displayed in the Bards favourate Howff.

It was a very interesting, educational and surprising visit and a real pleasure to see the inscriptions by the Bard on the glass and infact to touch a piece of historynormally beyond our reach.

A good lunch in Rosslyn finished the day and we had managed to get some great photographs of the panes of glass to start us on the way.