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View Article  Santa's Coming tonight

Santa's Coming tonight, well actually it's Jane Brown - hey who wants to kiss a big hairy man that isn't your grandfather.  I was so glad that I managed to attend the clubs impromptu Christmas Dinner.  The Globe Inn Staff Excelled themselves with great service and fantastic food.  The wine flowed and the mirth and merryment oozed from every corner.  Once again the clubs talented singers made a good evening a great evening.

I've attached a photograph but I feel I should point out that this was taken before the evening started !!

1 Attachments
View Article  Oh for an Ostrich Pie"

Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, three intrepid members ventured out early on the second Sunday in Advent, 5th December, to brave frosty roads, hoping to attend the annual St. Andrew’s Day Service at the High Kirk of Edinburgh, St. Giles Cathedral.  The president, secretary and Ted Murray, the club mascot, made it to Abington when the equipage of Mr. Baird, president of the Robert Burns World Federation, was spotted at a more sedate pace but lost them at Penicuik.  The roads on the approaches and the City Centre were treacherous and parked cars had disappeared under mountains of snow but undeterred, the president navigated, with some advice, to Chambers Street and parked in a snowdrift. Mr. and Mrs Baird having reappeared, it was resolved to visit Deacon Brodie’s Coffee Shoppe nearby the Kirk and the party trudged over pavements of hard packed snow and ice to the danger of passersby. Assembling in the impressive Signet Library, the delegation was awestruck by the majesty of the Great and the Good who robed up and were marshalled into order of precedence. The delegation from the Burns Federation were few in numbers due probably to the weather but made up for it in quality. Some groups, principally the Universities and Learned Societies, were preceded by their Macebearers and duly shuffled across Parliament Square to the Great West Door of the Cathedral inside of which is the powerful Burns Memorial Window. Ushered to our pew, the congregation was welcomed by the Minister of St. Giles, the Rev. Giellesburg McMillan and called to Worship. The Choir of St. Giles was sublime and Readings from the Old and New Testament were delivered by a judge and an ex banker. Being uplifted by the Service, it was decided to repair to the Roslin Glen Hotel, Roslin, some 5 miles south of the city, to partake of luncheon. The president and Mr. Murray were attracted to an item on the menu, “Ostrich Pie” but were disappointed on being told that “The ostrich pie wiz oaf” so settled for breaded haddock.

The return journey was uneventful and sincere thanks are due to President Neil for his driving skill in less than ideal conditions. Entertainment was supplied by Mr. Murray.


View Article  SSCBA

At the SSCBA quarterly meeting today it was reported that the World Federation has announced that it will no longer have its quarterly meeting as these "social events" are costing between £3500 and £5000 per year to run - if this was the case I'm not surprised that the federation is in such a dire financial position.  The church service on the 25th of January 2011 will be around 1.30pm or possible 2.00pm in St.Michaels Church and the Brow Well Ceremony will be on the Wednesday 20th July 2011 with a venue for the following function to be advise later. 

Next meeting is in Gatehouse of Fleet on the 19th March 2011 to announce the venue for the function after the brow well ceremony


View Article  Expedition to Austrailia
John Clark, a quite, mild mannered, local artist and poet showed another side at the clubs November talk.  In an audio visual extravaganza  John took us on a tour down under with stunning scenery complemented by poem read from his book and the occasional distant sounds of the didgeridoo and ouigi board in the background.  His in his travels he had encountered crocodile vicious koala bears and many other indigenous species BUT he never mentioned the spiders..... 
View Article  Back in the Globe

St Andrews Night Dinner

It was great to be back in the Globe and despite one or two minor problems related to the seating plan, I think that a good night was had by all.  Sir Neil MacIntosh CBE delivered an excellent toast ta auld Scotia.  Chris Rollie was as always superb with his recitation of the Holy Fair, which I first hear Chris recite when my father was president of the Howff, another welcome face to the Howff Willie Horne entertained us with a newer poem "Wullie the Waster" , possible a newer modern Tam o' Shanter but none the less and experience delivered by a master.
John Caskie, Frank Curran and Les Byres were all in fine voice and were accompanied by Max Houliston.

Once again my thanks go out to all of the artists and guests on the evening, it is your talent and assistance which makes the evening in the Howff so enjoyable, lets face it if I were to sing I think everyone would leave early.  

p.s. Thanks to DS, the Globe Inn & Diageo ( for the wee dram o' Grouse)

View Article  Dumbuck Hotel

It has become traditional that the president of the Howff is invited to attend the Dumbarton Burns Club St. Andrews Night Dinner in the Dumbuck Hotel I'm really glad that this arrangement was started by my predecessors, else I would have missed an excellent evening in the company of many friend I have had the privilege to meet at various outing and boolin' matches.  I really like the idea that they have adopted their own club song - Piper o' Dumbarton. Which I understand is sung, usually by John Young, who gave our toast to Jean Armour this year, towards he end of the evening.  So come on Howff Club members what is our song?? 

So President Patrick Trust, Moir Nelson and members of Dumbarton Burns Club Thank you all for your hospitality and a superb evening.

View Article  Boilt Shirts

It was a great honour and a privelage to attend the Dumfries Burns Club St.Andrews Dinner at the Woodlands.  It is alway good to meet friend and enjoy their company but also to meet new friends.  Ian McIntyre (JVP) and myself were well looked after and enjoyed some excellent entertainment.   A few of the entertainers were Howff Club members but I guess it just shows that there is no annimosity between other Burns clubs.

A great night thanks to president Isa and the members for the Dumfries Burns Club forthe invitation and your hospitality, I hope that we can extend the same hospitality on the 30th at our dinner. 

View Article  Soiree in the Kitchen

Big thanks to May and Les Byres for the welcome, the soup, pies and mushy peas.  not to forget the buscuits & cheese, coffee & mints too.

There follwed a night of recitation, song, stories and jokes. 
A super evening in that, probably the one of closest you could get to the Life of Robert Burns, kitchen at Ellisland Farm.  Everyone I've spoken to, seems to think, they enjoyed themselves.   

View Article  Thanks Peter & Hana

It was a delight to be invited to the initial launch of the compiled translations of popular works of Robert Burns into Ukrainian.

Less than a year ago Peter Komylo had suggested to the committee of the Howff club that he intended to start fund raising to compile and publish the translation and the club donated the proceeds of one of its raffles to the fund.  Other individuals donated various sums to the cause and before long we hear that production was underway.  The purpose of this meeting was to recognise those who had donated as we were each given a copy of the book, signed by the authors Peter & Hana.

The book is unusual in that it has the original verse on the left page and the translation in Ukrainian on the right page.  Club member John Clark has drawn many of the illustrations and sketches within the book.

I would like to thank to Peter and Hana and also all those who have contributed towards its production.

View Article  Jolly Beggers Cantata

Jane Brown from the Globe Inn had arranged this in the theatre Royal in Dumfries and what a superb afternoons entertainment this was.  Although disappointing that there were so few local people to support the event thankfully people had travelled from far and wide to see the performance.

 This was an extraordinary achievement given that the cast of the Jolly Beggers were all still at school, the oldest was 16 add to that, they are from school 61 in St Petersburg, Russia and I'm sure that you will appreciate the enormous effort which has gone into learning the verse in auld Scots.

The performance was complemented by some of our own youths like young burnsian of the year piper Calum Brown.

Well worth the tie to see the potential and talent of our planets youths.  

View Article  "Through a glass, darkly"

The run up to Hallowe’en is always busy but this time further complicated by the temporary closure of the Globe but a meeting with Stewart Black at the Moreig on 14th ironed out potential problems and things look good for the Supper on 1`st November. Friday 16th Nov, invited for a meal at the Aberdour followed by the Scottish Fiddle Orchestra concert at DG One. Meal and company was excellent and the concert, MC’d by Jim McColl of the “Beechgrove Garden” was fantastic, featuring a superb Tenor and Mezzo Soprano as soloists and also the D&G Police Pipe Band. Every seat was taken. Good to see John Mason, the conductor, who brought the “Strings of Scotland” to the Academy Hall several time in the 1980’s, hosted by the club,  Locharbriggs Community Centre was the venue for a special meeting on 19th to discuss the Website and how help can be offered to the Webmaster to keep the site updated. Agreed that John Caskie, Kenny McKinnon and I will prepare content for posting by Neil. The Moreig again on 21st to meet with Peter Kormylo, John Clark, the president and librarian to discuss arrangements for the launch of Peter’s translation of Burns into Ukrainian. The sample featured superb illustrations by John Clark. Agreed to launch on 15th November at the Globe with a reception for the sponsors and press. Nibbles and cheap plonk to be served. Excom meeting on the 25th was constructive and harmonious due to the chairmanship skills of the president. Full house for Hallowe’en and a seating pan to be drawn up. Duties allocated to members and the programme announced. The second club night was held in the Moreig on 28th when Marion Aitken gave a fascinating illustrated talk, on Robert Burns and “Annie Laurie at Friars Carse” dealing with the relationship between the Laurie family of Maxwelltown House and the Riddell’s of Friars Carse, the poets neighbours and friends. The attendance was disappointing and I wonder, not for the first time, why members ignore these interesting nights. Hallowe’en was a superb night. The guest artistes, Andy Kain and Liam Stewart on the fiddle and box respectively were pure magic and were the highlight of the night. Guest speaker Iain Scott was entertaining and the supporting artists from the club were excellent. Some amusement was caused when Past President Jim Haining “found” the silver 3d and accepted the half bottle of strong drink with alacrity. Good meal and service from the Moreig  but lacked the atmosphere of the Globe.

Monday 8th November, two fast cars left Dumfries with 10 members for a trip to the Mitchell Library in Glasgow where arrangements had been made for access to the famous Burns Room with its magnificent collection of 4500 volumes of Burn’s works and other material. Met by the Curator, Christine Henderson and a fascinating hour and a half spent in browsing. Peter Kormylo who met the party on arrival, regaled Christine with a rendition of “Scots Wha Hae” in Ukrainian and presented her with a copy of his translation. The lassie was almost overcome with emotion. Earlier, a call was made at the premises of Hurry Bros. Specialist Glaziers, on the London Road, to collect the facsimiles of the three window panes with inscriptions by Burns, removed from the Globe Inn in 1834. Our glazier, Matt Sempie, has produced superb copies of the panes, which together with three pieces of matching antique glass, will be reinstated in the Globe during their 400th anniversary year.  Tuesday, 9th, met up with the president, librarian, John Clark and Peter Kormylo to meet a journalist, Andrea Thomson, from DG Life, to discuss Peter’s book and arrangements for the launch on 15th November.  It’s great when a plan comes together, have now had confirmation from Radio Solway, Dumfries Standard and the Courier, as well as DG Life, that they will attend.  Hey, Ho.  Meantime, met up with the president to draw up the programme for the St. Andrew’s Night Dinner and in my “spare time”, compiled the newsletter for the SSCBA Quarterly meeting on 4th December.  DS

View Article  Visit to the Mitchell Library

A full Car, na twa full car load of folk trundled up ta Glasgow, stoppin off for coffee on route.  the it was time to collect the facimilies of the pane of glass, inscribed by Rabbie himself, which were removed from the Globe Inn around 1834 and were sold at auction.  Matt Sempie has done an amazing job, we just need to agree how we are going to display them.

Anyway to oor tale twa full car loads of folk trundled up ta Glasgow stoppin off for coffee on route to the Mitchell Library and a visit to the Burns Room - it is I assure you well worth the visit the room itself is not what I had expected - you know the 16ft x 20ft with bookshelves round about - no quite the opposite, but take note if you do intend to go you will need to arrange in advance as a guide is needed as I suspect is a big ball of string to help you find your way back out.  The Burns room is a magnificant hall in which the collection ov over 4500 burns editions are housed unfortunately neither of the 2 Kilmarnock editions nor the actual manuscripts which the Mitchell own were on view but we were allowed to browse the books and newspapers many of which are from the 1780's & 1790's 

Les Byres was able to recite the curators favorate - the letter to William Nicol and Peter Kormylo recited in Ukranian before gifting a copy of his recent publication Burn in Ukrainian.


View Article  Hallowe'eeeeen

I know that we president are only here for a year but like others before me I always hope that everyone will have a great night, one of my objectives for the year is that people enjoy themselves wi' their friends, and whilst we weren't in the Globe Inn, I was quite sure that we would have a really good evening. 

We were again in for a treat as Andy Kain and Liam Stewart were performing for us again - last time they were at the Globe I was not able to appreciate their ability as I was through in the Snug but this time I really enjoyed their performance.  Added to that our own John Caskie, Les Byres, Frank Curran and our guest speaker Iain Scott, or Scottie fra Scocha and we had an excellent evenings entertainment but it just would have been better in the Globe.

My thanks to all the artists and guests for their contributions and also to Hon. Sec. DS for his organisational prowess   

View Article  Hallowe'eeeeen

I know that we president are only here for a year but like others before me I always hope that everyone will have a great night, one of my objectives for the year is that people enjoy themselves wi' their friends, and whilst we weren't in the Globe Inn, I was quite sure that we would have a really good evening. 

We were again in for a treat as Andy Kain and Liam Stewart were performing for us again - last time they were at the Globe I was not able to appreciate their ability as I was through in the Snug but this time I really enjoyed their performance.  Added to that our own John Caskie, Les Byres, Frank Curran and our guest speaker Iain Scott, or Scottie fra Scocha and we had an excellent evenings entertainment but it just would have been better in the Globe.

My thanks to all the artists and guests for their contributions and also to Hon. Sec. DS for his organisational prowess   

View Article  Friars Carse and its association with Robert Burns & Annie Laurie
Marion Aitken has quite a CV and presented a superb take on the Friars Carse as it was when Robert Burns visited and the relationships and connections between it surrounding families.  This was an interesting talk which left you wanting to know more and it encouraged members of the club who were knowledgeable on the subject matter to explore the subject further with Marion. another enjoyable talk although once again not too well attended.
View Article  Пітерс нову книгу

21st October

We met Peter Kormylo at the Moreig Hotel  to discuss the launch of the book which he has co-authored and published gathering together the best translations of popular poem of Robert burn into ukrainian

Ми зустрілися з Петром Kormylo на Moreig готель для обговорення запуску книги, які він є співавтором і опубліковано збірку найкращих перекладів популярної поеми Роберта потрапили в українському

View Article  The New Birth Place Museum - 6th October

£21,000,000 at first glance it does look very attractive, modern yet traditional, inside it is nice and airy it does feel a pleasant place to be although the only thing open at the moment is the cafe and ye auld tourist shop although I almost bought a tie in the Burns tartan. It was interesting to be shown around the new facility and to be able to see the superb new climate controlled storage for the artifacts of our Bard.  Now what were we there for well in actual fact we, Hon. Sec. Smith and, I were there as part of a "FOCUS Group" I think that the only problem was that nobody had actually told this "Focus Group" what we were supposed to be focusing on. The building would be nice if...? Where does the words on... come from?  What is your intention to do with...?  - all of which were good questions, but nothing at all to do with the new website which is being developed and was the purpose of the gathering of these esteemed Burnsians in our little "Focus Group".  Ah well it was good to see the layout of the bew Birth Place Museum, and the project coming to fruition. Hopefully I get back before too long when I be able to look at the poets belongings and works. 

View Article  The show goes on"

The season’s Winter Lecture Programme, now known as Winter Club Nights, opened on 30th September with one of the best talks we have had for some time. My old friend Mac Creedon from Solway Offset took us back through the ages with his fascinating tales of “History of Printing with a Dumfries slant”.  As I had a loose connection with reprographics for North British Rubber, I well remember some of the personalities from those halcyon days of the 1960’s. The biscuits were excellent and the event washed its face. This was the last gathering at the Globe before it closes for further repairs.  Monday 4th October, the Executive Committee met in plenary session at the Moreig where the tables were laid out boardroom fashion which meant the office bearers had to bellow to be heard but no matter. Tickets were produced by the president featuring a bat. Numbers were taken for Hallowe’en and the signs are that this will be a fantastic night. Peter Kormylo appeared with a copy of his book of Burns in Ukrainian with superb illustrations from John Clark. There is talk of a launch in Kiev in October and in Scotland at some other time.

Meanwhile, busy with preparations for the October issue of “Howff Club News” in conjunction with Andy MacKay whose expertise money can’t buy. Hope the president and treasurer can meet Andy’s deadline for copy.  Unfortunately most of the available photographs are unflattering.

As a member of a Focus Group, I had the pleasure of accompanying the president to the Birthplace Museum at Alloway for a look round before the official public opening followed by a snack lunch and a workshop. The £21M development is certainly impressive and state of the art but I wonder how it will be seen by Burnsians. Entertainment was supplied by Peter Westwood whom we collected at Castle Douglas on the scenic route to Ayr.  Peter’s retiral as editor of the Burns Chronicle is a great loss to the Burns Federation and to the Burns world generally as his knowledge, contacts and collection of manuscripts and other material cannot be replaced easily.  DS

View Article  Stop Press

The winter evening aren’t traditionally well attended but tonight we had over 20 people listening to Mac Creedon speaking about the art and skills of traditional printing, as well as some stories of the red tops and broadsheets and their escapades with the unions before the demise of the ‘hot metal printing’

A great evenings entertainment for just a couple of quid –


*** Highly recommended ***  

View Article  "September Song"

September is always a busy month with preparations for the start of the functions. Thursday 2nd, out to the Municipal Chambers at 7.00pm for a Civic Reception by the Council in honour of Mike Duguid’s year as president of the RBWF. This was postponed from May due to his accident. Glass of plonk and some nibbles. The budget was £4.50 per head which was not bad considering spending restrictions by the Council. Welcome from the Convenor and speeches from Mr. Duguid and David Baird. Music was supplied by Willie McRobert and Ian Kirkpatrick.

Saturday night, a BBQ at the seaside residence of the president and family. Although the weather was slightly damp, the excellent barbecue was prepared and consumed outdoors but the ladies chose to stay in the garage. Midges were a problem but the hospitality was generous and the setting by the shore was spectacular with views to the Cumbrian coast.

Sunday evening, an invitation to dinner at the Globe to meet Ron and Chris Ballantyne, visiting Burnsians from Canada and the North American Burns Assoc. Superb meal and lively entertainment to which everyone contributed.

The annual conference of the Burns Federation is always a highlight in the calendar. Aberdeen was the venue this year and the club was well represented with a full turnout of office bearers. I had the pleasure of driving David Miller and John Caskie and  hopefully managed to avoid the speed cameras but I’m told there is still time. The Altons Thistle Hotel on the south side was comfortable and the Friday evening reception was lively. Mr. Miller and I was host at the after-hours party at which a prodigious quantity of refreshments were taken. Saturday morning, the business meeting was probably the most disorganised I have attended and was glad to escape with the rest of the delegation to the town centre by bus where we had an excellent bar lunch in the Prince of Wales pub off Union Street. The Saturday Night Dinner was enjoyable and some amusement was caused during the investiture ceremony at which our own David Baird was enthroned as president for the ensuing year. The late night party was restrained which was just as well for early on Sunday morning, I drove Mr. Miller to the airport for a flight to Heathrow to join his family for a holiday. On return to the hotel, it was discovered that the busses to take delegates to St. Machar’s Cathedral failed to materialise so the president, Mr. Caskie and I journeyed to Dumfries and run the gauntlet of the speed cameras again. The weekend was most enjoyable but some issues have to be addressed by the Conference Committee. Delighted that our treasurer made it to the top, the pinnacle of any Burnsian’s career.

Tuesday 14th, meeting of the Constitution Revision Committee where Frank and colleagues wrestle with the labyrinth of draughting a constitution fit for the 20th century. At this rate, the finished product will be the size of a novel.

The sad news of the death of Lionel McClelland was received with deep regret and the club was represented at his funeral at Moffat by David Baird, Gordon Johnston and I. The kirk was packed and tributes were made in song and poetry. Following the service, a jazz band led the hearse to the cemetery.

Dumfries Burns Club held their “Autumn Evening” at the Observatory Museum on Friday 17th. This was an illustrated talk by Graham Roberts of the Library Service on “Tower Houses of Dumfries & Galloway” and was a fascinating view and tales of historic towers and keeps from all over the region. Better quality plonk and nibbles than the Municipal Chambers.

Sunday 19th September, the annual bowling match with Dumbarton Burns Club. This year, Dumbarton was host and a party of members and friends travelled by luxury minibus to Dumbarton to be welcomed by President Dr. Patrick Trust and his members. After a welcome refreshment, teams were marshalled and bowling commenced in a light drizzle which did not quench the spirits. A number of intervals were called to stoke up and at the end, the result was declared a draw, which was just. Members were entertained to an excellent tea before departing homeward sans Quaich. A super day with great camaraderie with the Dumbarton boys and some lovely malts as well.

The Dumfries Ladies Burns Club No. 1 has the unenviable task of organising the annual Tam O’ Shanter reciting completion. In your bloggers opinion, this is torture refined to an exquisite degree but the president said he was going so I had to go as well. Six “Tams” strutted their stuff on 21st September in the Globe and the judges which included David Baird as president of the RBWF arrived at the wrong result. Ted Murray has promised to learn the poem and enter next year. John Caskie lifted the spirits with some great half time songs and stories.

Thursday 23rd, at Last!!, the application to the Lottery Heritage Fund for the club’s Centenary Banner restoration, was completed and sent off via cyberspace. The time estimated for a decision is 10 weeks. Thanks due to President Neil for his computer skills.

Saturday 25th the quarterly meeting of the Southern Scottish Counties Burns Association was held in the Globe Inn and heard reports from the Federation conference, amongst other things. Warm congratulations were accorded to David Baird on his election as president.  A pleasant lunch followed.  DS


View Article  Ooh Tam

It was a shame that some of the competitors weren’t able to attend through illness and I hope that you are getting back to normal again, however the Dfs Ladies once again did themselves proud by running a slick competition in conjunction with the Globe Inn.  5 worth renditions of Tam ‘o Shanter  and I think non of the audience could agree the winner so I’m not sure how the judges decided but whilst they were deliberating John Caskie entertained us to his usual excellent standard.  Well done John.

And congratulations to all the entrants a worthy effort.


View Article  Booled oot

I really think that we should all go back to school and learn to count, but as usual we were extremely well looked after and it was a pleasure to be with our friends fra Dumbarton.  Despite some heavy rain showers we managed to play enough ends to get some scores on the cards and the count showed “A DRAW” but I guess when we’re with friends we’re all winners.  Thanks again for the Meal and your hospitality guys a supper day, see you in Dumfries next year and mind you don’t lose the trophies…..


View Article  Federation Annual knees up

The usual eccentric exuberance, a few squabbles, and great fun.   


Congratulations to David Baird on his election as President of the Federation .


All in all a good weekend.

View Article  Congratulations Mike

As most Burnsians are aware Mike Duguid was involved in an accident earlier in the year, but the SSCBA had arranged a civic reception osted by Dumfries and Galloway Council to mark his year in this prestigious job.   It was a pleasure to be asked to attend on behalf of the Howff Club to wish Mike all the best Patsy Gilroy welcomed everyone and congratulated Mike on his achievement in the absence of Provost Groom, it was also nice to see Ian Kirkpatrick playing the millennium fiddle.

Well Done Mike…


View Article  Visiting Clubs

At the Howff were proud to welcome visitor to the Globe Inn and give them the benefit of some local knowledge to show them the Mausoleum in St. Michaels and the landmarks in the cemetery, as well as the Globe Inn Burns room, bedroom and Howff Club room and I was pleased to be introduced to the Newton Lads Burns Club on Saturday and the Larkhall Burns Club on Sunday afternoon.


View Article  On the Fringe

Thanks to DM we arrived in plenty of time at auld reekie in plenty of time for our first event of the day only problem no parking so DM had to park 6 miles away and run back to the venue where Professor Purdie and Camron Goodall were presenting on the third enlightenment, which had a slant towards oor Robert, Cameron sang & Played in between Prof. Purdies speech and the dulcet chirps of the mobile phone. Then we were off a walking tour of some of the places where Robert Burns would have visited. After the short tour & Lunch at the Beehive we took a taxi to the next venue after all it’s a long way with short legs.    Anna Hillis and Cheryl Easton were performing at the same venue so we called in and had 2 shows for the price on none, they were both part of the free fringe, but very enjoyable anyway sometimes the best cost less….. not very often I’m afraid.

We had left the car near to the Beehive but it had been recommended that we should visit the White Hart and it was well worthy of a visit the entertainment was great atmosphere enjoyable and most of us weren’t driving.


Sorry DM someone else’s turn next time…..


View Article  Alternative Burns Supper ( Fish 'n' Chip Supper)

There was no cutlery, or plates to wash tonight, its a traditional fish supper individually wrapped.  Alternate poems written by Hugh Waters, Address to the Fish Supper was delivered by John Clark  and a rendition of his Twa Dugs poem was given by David Baird, David Millar & Gordon Johnston,  both poems were based on Robert Burns poems.

As part of The Globe Inn's 400th anniversary celebrations the Howff held the alternate supper and great thanks to Maureen and Gordon McKerrow for their support and gifts of wine on the tables, special offers on the bar prices and also for inviting James Coutts & John Caskie to add to the evenings entertainment. 

Club members Bert Hastings, Carlo Rinaldi, Jane Brown (no freedom of the Burgh), John Lauder & Les Byers added to a light hearted evening of fun and clatter.

I really enjoyed the evening and hope that everyone enjoyed themselves as much as I did, thanks again to everyone at the Globe Inn.


View Article  "The sound of one hand clapping"

I’ve been told that blog entries should be short and punchy so here goes.  The Treasure Hunt on 14th July was memorable for several reasons but was conducted in an atmosphere of good humour and a violent thunderstorm. As one of the invigilators, I had to stay off the sauce but congratulations are due to the winning team for their prowess in deciphering the cryptic clues and spotting the deliberate misteak. Thanks also due to Gordon Johnston and David Baird for compiling the clues. David Miller was sadly missed.  The Globe Inn “Jacobean Night” on 15th July was great fun and the Hog Roast was delicious. The following night was the annual dinner and muster of the Royal Dumfries Volunteers in Burns‘Room, under the genial chairmanship of Col. Arent De Peyster (AKA Chris Lyon) and the induction to the Corp of David Miller whose soubriquet is the Rev. Babington.  The dinner was what we have come to expect from the Globe and some strong drink was taken. This included copious quantities of red wine and as a result, the latter stages are now a mist.  David Baird was obliged to lay off the sauce as he had to drive to Ayr and Alloway on the following morning to attend the Ayrshire commemorative events, representing the president of the RBWF. I successfully gave that a body swerve this year. The Brow Well Service was held on 21st July in beautiful weather although the turnout was poor in comparison with last year. Mike Duguid delivered the oration, attending his first official engagement since his serious accident and David Baird presided for the last time as president of the SSCBA. The Rev. Neil Campbell conducted the devotions and the social evening at the Bruce was enjoyable and well MC’d by Jane Brown. Saturday 24th July was a day of events in Edinburgh held by the Edinburgh Association of Burns Clubs marking Burns’ death and started at 10.30am with a ceremony at the Burns Monument at Calton Hill which included an address by Professor David Purdie and some songs for others.  The party were bussed to the City Chambers for a reception by the Lord Provost and then bussed to Lodge Liberton 1001, for a reciting competition when the competitors included Gordon Johnston who delivered Burns’ “The Inventory”. A simple meal of haggis, neeps and tatties followed and a social evening took place until club delegates retired to their digs at the foot of Liberton Brae. Bright-eyed and bushy tailed on the following morn, the president and Librarian returned to Dumfries and the Treasurer and Secretary journeyed to Kilmarnock to attend the commemorative event at Kilmarnock Cross at 2.00pm. At least, that was the plan but the diversions due to road works meant that unscheduled visits were made to Muirkirk, Newmilns and Mauchline before reaching Kilmarnock at 12noon when several mugs of strong coffee at Witherspoons were consumed. The ceremony was notable for a scurrilous reference by the president of Kilmarnock Burns Club who claimed that “Ayrshire nurtured the poet and Dumfries killed him” but Mr Baird put him right in no uncertain manner during his speech to the company afterwards. Leaving Killie, it was intended to call in at the Globe’s BBQ in the Close in the afternoon but by this time, your blogger was fatigued and decided to head for home.

An approach was made to the Alloway Trust in 2008 for permission to make facsimiles of the window panes from the Globe Inn with inscriptions by Burns in time for the Globe’s 400th anniversary in 2010. The panes had been removed from the Globe in the 1830’s and found their way to the Alloway Museum. They were less than helpful initially and the Museum was acquired by the National Trust for Scotland in 2009. After 18 months of negotiation, they agreed to a visit by club officers to inspect the panes and agree the best way to make copies.  Accordingly, on 30th July, the president and secretary travelled to Hopetown House, South Queensferry, to the NTS conservation workshops were the panes were being “conserved” and met up with a specialist glazier from a firm in Glasgow. The NTS staff was reluctant to allow the glazier to make a tracing of the inscriptions but agreed to digitally photograph the panes which meant manhandling the fragile glass on to a board with a heavy camera mounted on a stand above. What fun. Our glazier, Matt Sempie , from Hurry Bros. was enthusiastic and promised an early result. Hopefully, the facsimiles will be ready for display this year. Wednesday 4th August, out to Radio Solway with the librarian to listen to a magnetic tape recording of a club function in 1965. Previous attempts to play the tape were unsuccessful but Radio Solway agreed to try it on the studio equipment. This worked and the tape of a St. Andrew’s Night Dinner was hilarious. Things don’t change much over the years as the chairman was long winded and there was much background noise but this is an important club historical artefact and it is hoped to convert the tapes to minidisc. Saturday 14th August, the club outing to Cockermouth and Whitehaven, 14 members and friends were conveyed by luxury minibus to Jennings Brewery for a guided tour which included three half pints of different strength ales. The beer was excellent and the tour fascination. This was followed by lunch on the premises before travelling to Whitehaven to the Beacon Centre for a visit and a walking tour of the historic Harbour area, by a local tour guide. Another highly enjoyable afternoon in first class weather. The return journey included a stop near Carlisle at “John’s Plaice” for a mammoth fish & chip supper. An excellent day with thanks and congratulations due to Neil Johnston for organising the itinerary.  A meeting of the Renovations Sub Committee on Monday 16th August when good progress was made in the programme to upgrade the clubroom and anteroom. The club’s Fish Supper Night was held in the Globe Inn on Thursday 19th August and proved to be an outstanding success for the excellence of the fish & chips from Peter Domicelli at the Midsteeple and the awesome entertainment which included a performance of a parody of Burns’ “Twa Dugs” by Gordon Johnston and David Miller with narration by David Baird. Gordon who played the posh dug, sported a bowler hat which made him a dead ringer for Stan Laurel. The highlight of a superb night was the magical accordion of James Coutts. Neil’s year goes from strength to strength. On the following morning, the treasurer, librarian and secretary foregathered to calculate the income and were pleased to report a modest profit with thanks to the Globe Inn for their input.  Saturday 21st August, assisted with the street collection for Children 1st and enough said except an enjoyable lunch in the Globe afterwards. On the way back to Gordon McKerrow’s office with the cans and things, Ted Murray who still had a balloon, made towards an urchin and offered her said balloon but fortunately she ran off which perhaps was just as well.   A welcome break from the Executive Committee in July and August but all good things come to an end and the next meeting is due on 30th August.  DS

View Article  A wee trip oot

A luxury coach transported a group of club members and friends on a club outing to Cockermouth and beyond.  The first stop was a tour round Jennings Bros. brewery at the Castle Brewery in Cockermouth it was interesting to see how they have merged the old and the new in an very old building, maintaining a lot of the character.  Given the devistation of the recent floods it is good to see that the parent company has invested in the future of the brand. 

We enjoyed a light lunch and sampled some of the products before moving on to the Beacon Centre & Museum in Whitehaven where we toured the collection and learned of some of the changing history of what was once the UK's 3rd busiest port.  We then had a short walking tour of the harbour area, learning of the squalid accommodation, arduous working environment in the mines and the ships of the slave trade which went through the port.

We also saw "The World" cruise liner which was anchored just outside the harbour.  "The World" is an exclusive vessel on which apartments are sold to rich clients who live on board to avoid tax or just to see the world.  We were surprised when club member John Lauder was stopped in the street and asked if he was ashore from "the Ship" - hmm

The Coach then made its final stop at John's Plaice, just outside Carlisle where sat in, obviously for fish 'n' chips. 

The Great weather helped to make this a great day out.       

View Article  Pride in the community
The Murals in The Globe Inn Close were begining to look tired and it was a delight when I learned of the intention of Civic Pride to have them replaced.  The Provist, Jack Groom, unvailed the new "muriels" on Wednesday the 11th August I was pleased to represent the Howff Club, with David Baird, at the unvailing and express our thanks and admiration to the artist Josephine McSkimming, the members of Civic Pride and Dumfries and Galloway Council for the new murals which now adorn the close.
View Article  It's a Real Pane

David Smith, our honory secretary, and I travelled by magic carpet to Hopeton House after many communications with the National Trust for Scotland we had managed to get to see the panes of glass which had been removed from The Globe Inn and sold in the early 19th century. 

The Glass panes are undergoing restoration by conservators at Hopeton House in view of the Forth bridge.  We would have liked to repatriate the panes to The Globe Inn especially as this is the 400th anniversary of the inn, however they are in a very fragile state, and the National Trust will not allow them to leave their 'care', ultimately they will probably be on display at the new Robert Burns birth place museum at Alloway.  As a result the Howff is interested in commisioning reproduction or facimilies of the panes which will be displayed in the Bards favourate Howff.

It was a very interesting, educational and surprising visit and a real pleasure to see the inscriptions by the Bard on the glass and infact to touch a piece of historynormally beyond our reach.

A good lunch in Rosslyn finished the day and we had managed to get some great photographs of the panes of glass to start us on the way.

View Article  Edinburgh Bruns Anniversary Celebration

On the 24th July the Edinburgh & District Bruns Clubs Association held there first Anniversary Celebration including a poetry competition which they hope will become an annual event.  For the inaugural event I was privilaged to have been invited to attend for the full days celebration of our national bards time in Edinburgh.  The day started at the recently renovated Robert Burns Monument on Carlton Hill where a dedication was given, the Lord Provist of Edinburgh welcomed the guests and we were entertained with poem and song from the hand of the bard.  we retired from the monument to the Edinburgh city chambers for a civic reception as guest of the city, a magnificant building with spectacular views across Waverly station and Princess Street to the New Town beyond.  It was an pleasure to be able to see inside the city chambers, the artifacts and paintings adorning the walls are spectacular, the Lord Provist welcomed us all to Edinburgh.   It was again a pleasure to see Mike Duguid president of the Robert Burns World Federation Ltd. was able to attend and give an oration.  

In afternoon the E&DBCA held the poetry competition,  competitors had to deliver a poem or epistle written by Burns of between 70 and 150 lines, the Howff Clubs Gordon Johnston delivered "The Inventry" and I though that he should have been in line for a prize, but sadly the judges didn't agree however it was a fine afternoon listening to some of the best deliveries and different styles. 

The day was finished off with an evening of sang and clatter or as they say in the Auld Reekie a Harmony Night.


View Article  Brow Well

It was very pleasing to see Mike Dugiud is beginning to return to health after his accident earlier in the year and that he was able to attend and deliver the oration at the annual Brow Well Ceremony on the 21st July.  It was warm, with the evening sunny shining across the Solway Firth which added to the atmosphere that made this a particularly memorable event and once again a large number of people gathered to join with the Scottish Southern Counties Burns Association ceremony and social gathering there after.  The usual minister had retired since last year ceremony and has not been replaced as yet however the interim Moderator Neil Campbell, whilst not a Burnsian, rose to the occasion and seemed to have done some research for his part in the ceremony, and the Psalm chosen was one which most people know and could sing which helps.

Thereafter we retired to the Bruce Hotel in Annan where Jane Brown was compere for evening.  We enjoyed entertainment from many talented individuals from across the Southern Counties and beyond.   The magic buffet that kept re-appearing and moving tea cups added to the entertainment.  A great night made better by the company and the stars who performed 

View Article  Treasure Hunt

I've not found or at least brought back any treasure but I have had a great pleasure taking part in this years Howff Club treasure hunt .   What about the weather ....  well.... 

I've visited one or to pubbs whihc ii hivny been in fir agies an a'v hid a wee dram here in theer as weel.

Ta, jane fur the pies an' peas even if we wur a wee bit late.



View Article  Burns remembered

Recent events have been well covered in the president’s blog but here is my take on things since the last entry in May.  Delighted with the favourable response to the launch of our electronic newsletter, “Howff Club E-Mail Express” and thanks are due to John Caskie for his encouragement and suggestions and to the president for his technical expertise.

Met Gordon Ashley on Monday 31st May, with the librarian and treasurer. Gordon who is based in Australia is researching for a book on Burns statues worldwide and wanted to include the club’s statue to Jean Armour. Pleasant morning spent with lunch in Burns’ Room.  Library Sub Committee on 1st June and another attempt to play some old tape recordings from club functions in the 1960’s but the machine borrowed from Radio Solway could not play at the required speed which led to a “Pink & Perky” effect. Back to the drawing board.  Hon. Member Jane Brown’s 60th birthday party in the Globe on 3rd June was hugely enjoyable. 60? Surely not.  Excom meeting on 7th June was productive and well conducted and on Wednesday 10th, Bert Hastings and I met Rev.Neil Campbell, the Interim Moderator at Ruthwell Kirk, who is taking the Service at Brow Well this year, to discuss the Psalm and tune which hopefully will be known by everyone. Sub Committees on Tuesday and Wednesday, covered in the president’s blog and out to the Burns Centre on Friday 18th with the librarian and treasurer to attend the live broadcast of “Brian Taylor’s Big Debate” from Dumfries. Some lively questions on topical matters answered by a panel of four local politicians. Interesting for a glimpse behind the scenes of live radio.  Monday 21st, met with the president and Jane Brown to discuss the format for the Jean Armour Dinner and to ensure any problems are eliminated. Saturday 26th, early start for Kilmarnock to attend the Federation Quarterly meeting at Dean Castle. The delegation was delayed by the police at Sanquhar for a “routine check, Sir” but D. B. Baird, who was driving had nothing to worry about and the journey was completed without incident. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Baird in his capacity of SVP and apart for attempts to derail the Board’s decisions regarding the Editor’s fee, the proceedings were unremarkable. The Heritage Committee report was delivered by your reporter as the convenor was “fatigued”.  Sunday 27th, party from the Sandyford Burns Club, Glasgow for the ten cent tour in the afternoon.  On return to the Globe from the Mausoleum, a loud cheer was heard from the lounge as Engerland had lost to Germany in the World Cup.  Monday 28th June, the last Excom meeting before the summer break. Lack of numbers meant the usual mini bus to Wauchope had to be cancelled but there is more interest in the outing to Cumbria in August. Agreed to have a Fish Supper Night in August as well.  Monday 1st July. Met up with Gordon J. And Graham Trickey, our consultant, to put together an application for Lottery Heritage Funding to renovate the club’s Centenary Banner. To be successful, applicants have to demonstrate that they are “inclusive” and we are obliged to welcome allsorts. We shall see.

Sunday 4th July, out to Covington Mains, Lanark, to mark the spot where the Bard overnighted on his trip to Edinburgh in 1787, fully described in the president’s blog. The 6th Jean Armour Dinner on 5th July was one of the best I can recall with superb speakers and artists and an excellent meal except for those who did not like salmon. Neil has a very relaxed style in the chair and many messages of congratulations had since been received. Yes, a night to remember.

“Scocha” came back to Langholm on 9th July and I had the privilege of attending with the president and treasurer. Another vibrant night with fantastic interaction with the enthusiastic audience.  Wauchope Cairn, Hawick, was the venue for Sunday 11th July with another enjoyable afternoon with friends. Monday, due to past president David Millar’s indisposition, was conned into assisting with compiling the non cryptic clues for the Treasure Hunt and therefore had to visit six pubs. Tuesday morning tried to decipher my notes for the clue sheets. This should be a laugh on Wednesday night but the pies & mushy peas will be welcome.


View Article  Wauchope Cairn - Hawick

Plans changed as David Baird was unable to travel with us to Hawick.  However at shortnotice Jane Brown agreed to come.  We are always given such a warm welcome at Hawick Burns Club and the locally talented artists which add to the afternoons entertainment is exceptional.   Again the weather held for the ceremony at the Wauchope cairn I think that we all went prepared as it was raining when we left Dumfries, but the skies cleared and at points the sun shone.

It is a great shame that the cost of hiring a mini bus restricted the numbers for the Howff who were able to support the Wauchope Cairn Ceremony this year but hopefully we can make other arrangement in the future.