Arriving in Mauchline things seemed very quiet, but the car park was open and there was attendants directing us where to park.  David Baird was representing the federation at the opening ceremony  at the Jean Armour statue so he was suited, booted and wearing the regalia, as we waited at the cross for others to arrive a police escort whizzed by sirens  & the works one way, then the other and back again, not entirely sure why bit it was fun to watch as the seemed to lose their charges so a quick u’ turn and flying by again.  The fair started at 11am and steadily more and more people arrived, before the long the centre of the town was a throng, lots of small stalls pedalling their locally produced wares, people walking around in period clothes, food stalls selling anything from burgers to smokies, but to my disappointment no giant Haggis this year.  A Mobile stage at the top end hosted many of the visiting performers and artists, the community hall in the centre also hosted some performances and small had a cafe.  Whilst the church was our apparent venue of choice, possible because most of the performances were of a  Burns nature, excellent performances from Willie Stewart, Shelly Clark and friends, and the Mauchline Burns Club featuring Daddy Auld, Willie Fisher, Pussie Nancy and other local worthies.  Not to mention a visit from the fire and brimstone preachers , who had accosted us earlier in the street “you’ve missed this morning service! But you be  there for the next sermon in an hour” – just time for lunch at Poosie Nancies .

A good entertaining day was had by all and its worthy of a visit in future years.