February and it’s down a gear!!


Technical problems have resulted in me being posted missing from ‘blogging’ for a while but good to be back and here is my recollections of February which was a good but quieter than January but was still rather hectic at times!!


Monday 1st

Globe Inn where chaired the executive committee meeting and more glowing reports on the anniversary supper.

Saturday 6th

After a mornings work I headed to Dumfries Academy where the SSCBA Schools Competition was in full flow. These kids get better every year and although didn’t hear all competitors was amazed at the talent during the ‘winners’ concert in the afternoon. They were all winners as far as I was concerned and well done to the SSCBA for organising a great event.

Later that night I was ‘guest’ at Ellisland for the first of their Burns Suppers and sung a couple of songs.

Monday 8th

Globe Inn for the ‘final meeting’ of the Project 2009 committee, it’s been three years since this committee first met and we have seen a lot of water under the bridge and a host of events and happenings all in the name of the Howff Club. Too many to mention and unwise to single any one event other than say 2009 great time! And great fun!. Bring on the next celebration!!!!

Had earlier been at Dunscore for a final rehearsal for the Befriending Burns Supper with Peter Gunnel the accompanist.

Friday 12th

Loreburn Primary School where along with D Baird and G Johnston judged the poetry competitions for P4/5/6/7 what fun! Well done to all the children and their teachers for a super afternoon of ‘guid auld Scottish poems’ all delivered with such style and panache. We found it difficult to decide on winners but even harder to work out the scores, it was evident arithmetic wasn’t a strong point of David, Gordon or I.

In the evening it was Easterbrook hall in Dumfries for the Befriending Burns Supper where as is mentioned in David’s blog I was one of the guest singers at a very special night.

Saturday 13th

Skelmorlie Bowling Club for the Burns Supper of the Skelmorlie Poosie Nancie’s Burns Club. Along with Hon Member Jane Brown we travelled through to Ayrshire for a different Burns Supper but most enjoyable all the same. Jane delivered the Immortal memory in her own inimitable style and instead of a toast and reply to the Lasses they had on their programme ‘Guest entertainment, John Caskie’ The chairman mentioned that it didn’t have to be all Burns material but after a few Burns songs and stories I sang some old favourite Scottish ballads which seemed to do the trick. I included Rothsey Bay which was even more special as the setting of the Skelmorlie Bowling Club where the event was held looks over the sea to Rothsey and the scene when we arrived was awesome and with Rothsey Bay being my favourite Scottish songs it had added sentiment that night.

…It’s bonniest when the sun draps, and red comes ower the moon… (It certainly is!)

Tuesday 16th

Dryfesdale Church hall for the Lockerbie Friendship Club’s Burns Tea Dance. Sang a couple of songs and watched some very energetic ‘oldies’ enjoy their dancing.

Wednesday 17th

Guest of Hon Member Maureen McKerrow at the Dumfries Rotary Club Burns Supper in the Globe Inn when I heard some of the best speeches I have ever heard during the Burns Season.

Saturday 20th

Ukrainian Club in Edinburgh for the Burns / Shevchenko supper where after addressing the Haggis had the honour of proposing the vote of thanks during a different but entertaining night.


Interspersed with the Burns commitments I had compered the Islesteps Accordion and Fiddle Club when guest artistes were the champion fiddle players Gemma Donald from Shetland and Iain Anderson of Edinburgh. Did a radio interview with Robbie Shepherd for Radio Scotland’s Take The Floor programme which was broadcast on Sat 20th where I was interviewed about my involvement with Old Tyme Dancing in the area. I also entertained in Dalbeattie for the OAP’s treat and Torthorwald Hall for a hall funds Scottish night along with musical friends John Douglas and Ian Kirkpatrick.

So that was February, yes a lot quieter than January but was still never of the top of the road and by the look of my diary for March it’s more of the same to come.



