August (Part three)


My holiday from work is near over but my Burns events keep coming.

Earlier this year I attended the Burns Supper hosted by the Presiding Officer at the Scottish Parliament, it also saw the opening of an exhibition ‘As ither’s see us’ photographs and quotes from Scottish people of all walks of life beside their favourite Burns works. I was therefore pleased to hear that the exhibition had arrived at Kirkcudbright and along with D Smith, J Lauder and G Johnston we travelled through to the town hall to view it on Wednesday 19th August. I personally walked round , read and viewed the exhibits a couple of times just marvelling at the great photography and linking the photograph and the quotes, of the eminent Scot’s, to the works of Burns. An excellent exhibition. I was pleased the club purchased a copy of the book which accompanies it, for the club library. After words we viewed a painting exhibition also on view at the hall called ‘Coming home’. Paintings of Kirkcudbright artists from many years back, returning home to the town for Homecoming.

After and enjoyable lunch and a ‘fraught journey’ home it was then out to the club room at The Globe Inn for an office bearers meeting, eventful! although there were no fights!

The weekend saw my holiday over and back to work but after my early shift on Sunday 23rd I called in at Ellisland Farm, by invitation , to sing a few songs to the assembled at their Descendants Day celebrations organised by the Friends of Ellisland. The weather was unkind and it was pouring throughout the day but the marquee and the barn where the settings where along with Lee McQueen I entertained with a few favourite songs of Burns. My final Burns engagement of August was to chair the executive committee meeting at the Globe Inn on Monday 31st this was another lively Howff meeting and it was especially nice to hear the various reports (15 in all!) on all the activities members of the club had undertaken during our ‘summer recess’.


I had also visited the Edinburgh Military Tattoo which had a Burns theme and of which I thoroughly enjoyed as well as calling dances at another wedding and organising the grand jumble sale and tea dance at Locharbriggs Community Centre. I did purchase two Burns books at the jumble sale for 10p each!! Although they will be a nice addition to my Burns collection I don’t think they will ever make me rich!


So there we have it a short holiday from work which was nice, a range of Burns activities which was even nicer and it’s off to Edinburgh for the RBWF Conference at the end of this week.