In search of spiritual uplift, the president, treasurer, past president and secretary travelled to Mauchline on 23rd May to attend the "Holy Fair", one of the events in the Ayrshire "Burns an aw' that" festival.  The "Fair" is a re-enactment of the 18th century custom when several parishes would join forces for the annual sacrament, attracting large numbers of communicants from the surrounding countryside for a "holy fair" of preachings and prayer meetings extending over several days prior to the communion itself. In Burns' day however, the holy fair had deteriorated into a curious mixture of solemnity and carnival, symbolic of the double standards of the Church at the time.

On arrival, the streets were crowded with revellers and members were attracted to a performance of the youthful Muirkirk Pipe Band whose bass drum was transparent, before lunch at Poosie Nancie's. Later, a superb ladies choir, "Airs and Graces" sang from a repertoire of traditional and classical material in the Church after which we were accosted by two "manic street preachers", suitably clad in costumes of the time, who bellowed of the fire to come for the ungodly, lest they repent. D. Miller seemed to be a target for their wrath. Escaping, members were given a preview of the attempt for the Guinness Book of Records of a 800lb Haggis, to be cooked and served later and paused to enjoy a fire eating Tommy Cooper look-alike who swallowed a three foot tubular balloon to the delight and disgust of the crowd. It was later regurgitated. Elsewhere on one of the outdoor stages, there was a energetic High School Musical Review which attracted a large audience. Retiring once again to the Church, our own Shelley Clark displayed her tremendous talents as a singer and on the clarsach, supported by her brothers on the fiddle and keyboard. This was the highlight of the day!. After modest refreshment, members thrilled to the Red Hot Chilli Pipers on the outdoor stage which featured exotic dancers. Unfortunately, members were at the back of the large crowd, later, the writer had no hestitation in declining the president's suggestion to try out the Wall of Death.

Throughout the day we met old friends from Eyemouth Clachan Burns Club and Largs Cronies as well as many Federation members including president Bill Dawson in fancy dress. 

An excellent day with good company and dry weather until the last half hour. Congratulations to D. Baird who, as designated driver, stayed sober and did not need the Satnav.