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View Article  Santa's Coming tonight

Santa's Coming tonight, well actually it's Jane Brown - hey who wants to kiss a big hairy man that isn't your grandfather.  I was so glad that I managed to attend the clubs impromptu Christmas Dinner.  The Globe Inn Staff Excelled themselves with great service and fantastic food.  The wine flowed and the mirth and merryment oozed from every corner.  Once again the clubs talented singers made a good evening a great evening.

I've attached a photograph but I feel I should point out that this was taken before the evening started !!

1 Attachments
View Article  Expedition to Austrailia
John Clark, a quite, mild mannered, local artist and poet showed another side at the clubs November talk.  In an audio visual extravaganza  John took us on a tour down under with stunning scenery complemented by poem read from his book and the occasional distant sounds of the didgeridoo and ouigi board in the background.  His in his travels he had encountered crocodile vicious koala bears and many other indigenous species BUT he never mentioned the spiders..... 
View Article  Back in the Globe

St Andrews Night Dinner

It was great to be back in the Globe and despite one or two minor problems related to the seating plan, I think that a good night was had by all.  Sir Neil MacIntosh CBE delivered an excellent toast ta auld Scotia.  Chris Rollie was as always superb with his recitation of the Holy Fair, which I first hear Chris recite when my father was president of the Howff, another welcome face to the Howff Willie Horne entertained us with a newer poem "Wullie the Waster" , possible a newer modern Tam o' Shanter but none the less and experience delivered by a master.
John Caskie, Frank Curran and Les Byres were all in fine voice and were accompanied by Max Houliston.

Once again my thanks go out to all of the artists and guests on the evening, it is your talent and assistance which makes the evening in the Howff so enjoyable, lets face it if I were to sing I think everyone would leave early.  

p.s. Thanks to DS, the Globe Inn & Diageo ( for the wee dram o' Grouse)