Committee Present and past

Committee Photographs

Executive Committee 2019 / 2021

G.Bedford, I.McIntyre, J.Clark, T.Johnstone, N.Johnston, G.Young
D.Ross, D.Watt, G.Johnston, C.Gibson, W.Welsh, G.Templeton, W.Little
D Millar, J.McCamberley, W.Johnston, R Walker Presedent , Bob Kennedy SVP, W.Graham IPP, D.Smith, T.Johnstone, J.Lauder

Executive Committee 2017/2018


K McKinnon, J McCamberly, B Walker , N Johnston, C Lyon, B Kennedy ,K Cruikshanks  , D Smith, W Little , L Byred
J Lauder, J Clark, B Hastings ,  I McIntyre,  G Thomson, W Welsh. G Johnston
D Millsr, JVP R Walker, Presedent Colin Gibson, SVP B.Grshsm. IPP W Johnston HP D Cook

Executive Committee 2016 / 2017


A Caskie, I McIntyre, D Millar, J McCamberly  ,R Hastings, K McKinnon, R Walker, J Lauder,
B Walker, W Little, W Welsh, N Johnston, G Johnston, J Clark, K Cruikshanks, C Lyon
D Smith, D Cook, C Gibson SVP, W Johnston President, W Graham JVP, C Watson IPP, L Byres

Executive Committee 2015 / 2016


G Bedford, N Johnston, D Millar, B Graham. I McIntrye, K McKinnon, a, R Walker, F Manson
G Johnston, W Welsh, J Clark, W Little, T Johnstone, J Lauder
D Smith, D Cook, C Gibson JVP, C Watson President, W Johnston SVP, L Byres,

Executive Committee 2014 / 2015


F Manson, D McKie, G Johnston, W Little, J McCambly, D Watt, K Cruickshanks, C Gibson , L McQueen , R Williamson, B Graham, K McKinnon, D Miller, J Caskie
J Lauder, R Walker, T Johnstone, L Byres, C Watson SVP, J Clark President, W Johnston JVP, G Bedford,  D Cook Hon. Pres., W Welsh,


Executive Committee 2013 / 2014

Back Row :- G Johnston, K Cruikshank, R Walker, C Gibson, W Johnston, K McKinnon

Middle Row :- I McIntyre, N Johnston, F Curran, J Lauder, L McQueen, W Welsh

Front Row :- D Smith, C Watson (JVP), G Bedford (President), F Manson, D Cook (Hon. President)

Missing Form the Photograph :- J Clark (SVP), D Watt, D Miller, D McKie.


Executive Committee 2012 – 2013

Back Row :- R Walker, C Gibson, F Manson, R Williamson, K McKinnon G Thompson, K Cruikshanks, R Hastings, J Lauder

Front Row :- F Curren, D Smith, W Welsh, G Bedford, I McIntyre (President) J Clark, D Cook, L McQueen, L Byres G Johnston, K Little


Executive Committee  – 2011-2012

Front Row: W.Welsh, N.Johnston, I.McIntyre, F.Manson (President), G. Bedford, D Cook

Middle Row: W.Johnston, J.Caskie, D.Smith, R.Walker, G.Johnston, E.Murray

Back Row: J.Lauder, K.McKinnon, J.Clark, R.Hastings, J.Nicholson, G.Templeton, D.Millar, F.Curran


Executive Committee  – 2010-2011

Front Row: F.Curran, E.Murray, I.McIntyre, N.Johnston (President), F.Manson, D.Watt, J Clark

Middle Row: L.Byres, D.Cook, D.Baird,  R.Wilson, G.Johnston, G.Bedford, R.Hastings, W.Welsh

Back Row: W.Johnston, K.Cruikshank, D.Smith, J.Lauder, G.Templeton, D.Millar, K.McKinnon, J.Nicholson


Executive Committee  – 2009-2010

Front Row:- D.Smith, D.Baird, N.Johnston, J Caskie (President),F.Manson, G.Johnston, D.Millar, K.Martin

Middle Row:- R.Kennedy, F.Curran, J.Melrose, W.Johnston, D.Paterson, E.Murray

Back Row:-J.Johnstone, R.Walker, W.Welsh, J.Lauder, D.Cook, B.Haining, G.Templeton,G.Bedford, L.Byres


Executive Committee – 2008-2009

Front Row: F Curran, T Murray, J Caskie, D Miller (President), N Johnston, G Bedford, D Smith

Middle Row: D Baird, G Johnston, B Hastings, L Byres, B Welsh, A Johnstone

Back Row: C Lyons, G Templeton, A McHallum, W Johnston, D Cook, B Walker, I McIntyre


Executive Committee – 2007-2008

Front Row: D Baird, B Welsh, J Caskie, A Johnstone (president), G Stirling, D Miller, G Johnston, D Watt

Middle Row: E Currie, C Lyon, D Paterson, A McHallum, K Martin, G Templeton, D Smith

Back Row: F Curran, N Johnston, R Hastings, J Melrose, P Hutchinson, L Byres, J Lauder, D Cook


Executive Committee – 2006-2007

Front Row: F Curran, D Smith, A Johnstone, President W Welsh, D Miller, D Baird, G Johnston, L Byers

Middle Row: E Currie, A McKay, A McHallum, T Johnstone, J Caskie, G Crosbie, K Martin

Back Row: J Johnstone,J McAlister, R Hastings,D Cook, J Lauder, G Templeton, E Murray


Executive Committee – 2005-2006

Front Row: D Smith, W Welsh, President D Baird, A Johnstone, D Watt, G Johnston

Middle Row: A McKay, N Johnston, D Patterson, J McAlister, J Roddick, J Melrose

Back Row: C Lyon, A McHallum, D Miller, D Cook, R Hastings, G Crosbie, J Lauder, J Harvey


Executive Committee – 2004-2005

Front Row: J Melrose, G Johnston, D Smith, President D Watt, D Baird, W Welsh

Middle Row: J Johnstone, J Roddick, J Scott, R Coleman

Back Row: D Paterson, C Lyon, D Miller, J Harvey


Executive Committee – 2003-2004

Front Row: J Roddick, H Sloan, D Baird, President J Haining, D Watt, R Colman, D Smith, F Curran

Middle Row: J Harvey, T Johnstone, G Johnston, J Melrose, D Patterson, N Johnston, L Byres

Back Row: J Lauder, C Lyon, A Johnstone, J McAlistair, R Hastings, W Welsh


Executive Committee – 2002-2003

Front Row: D Baird, J Haining, President G Johnston, D Watt, L Byres, H Sloan, J Roddick, T Johnstone

Middle Row: D Cook, J McCambley, A McHallum, D Smith, J McAlistair, R Haistings

Back Row: R Wilson, C Lyon, J Melrose, A Johnstone, P Kormylo


Executive Committee – 2001-2002

Front Row: P Kormylo, D Cook, E Smith, G Johnston, President J Roddick, H Sloan, L Byres, D Baird

Middle Row: A McHallum, D Watt, I Kirkpatrick, J McAlistair, D Smith, T Johnstone, R Wilson

Back Row: I Whitehead, J Melrose, C Lyon, J Haining, J Johnstone, J Lauder


 Executive Committee – 1939-1940

Taken at the Burns Mausoleum, St. Michaels Church, Dumfries

Front Row:

Middle 1st Row:

Middle 2nd Row:

Middle 3rd Row:

Back Row:


Past President 1862-1929

James Ramsay President 1862 – 1929

Taken in 1909 at his home.

2nd Howff Club President