Club Soiree

Can I take this opportunity to thank all those who attended and contributed to last nights soirée. It was a great night with loads of laughs. For some reason I have a sore head this morning, I think it must’ve been the Chateau de Chasselas Obadiah. I hope the Python’s will forgive our Scottish/Yorkshire/Lancashire accent! To all those competing for the dreaded Draffan Cup tonight I wish you good luck and hope the weather stays fair.

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1 Response to Club Soiree

  1. HonSec says:

    impressed with the unsuspected talent displayed during the soiree by our new junior vice and latest committee member. Thought the Pythons have a great future behind them but Sam the Skull needs work!
    Past president John made a worthy winner of the coveted Draffan Cup at the booling. Kerr Little is due grateful tanks for the succulent pies.

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