Charnwood 2015

A full house of residents and staff (around 60) greeted the top table with some enthusiasm for the annual Burns Supper at Charnwood Lodge in Dumfries. Someone remarked it was a good job we were wearing howff ID as apart for the youthful Lee McQueen, we may have been kept in! Proceedings opened with Calum Watson piping in the haggis which was duly addressed by myself. After a tasty supper and generous hospitality , a brief immortal memory was given by myself, followed by a humorous toast tae the lassies by the multi talented Calum Watson. Lee McQueen provided music on the accordion and Bill gave us some fine singing. Gordon gave a short recitation. Looking round it was obvious the residents were having fun and we were duly thanked after a rousing Auld Lang Syne which closed proceedings. Congratulations must go to the staff of Charnwood for providing hospitality and putting so much work into the Burns Supper table décor. A grand day out for residents, staff and all present.

John Clark
President Burns Howff Club

About John Clark

Howff Club President 2014 - 2015
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