Category Archives: Uncategorized

Halloween Supper

Whilst, for a variety of reasons, the numbers present were less than usual, I certainly felt it was nonetheless an absolutely excellent night. Professor Purdie was as entertaining as ever and, if anything, I could have happily listened to him … Continue reading

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Refurbishment of the Burns statue at Portpatrick. 25.09.16

Refurbishment of the Burns statue at Portpatrick. 25.09.16 The statue erected to Robert Burns by Portpatrick Burns Club in 1923 was badly damaged in a major storm in the 1980’s which brought down the hill side overlooking the site at … Continue reading

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Annual Outing

On Sunday 2nd August 2015, 20 of us travelled to Irvine to visit their Burns club. We were greeted by members of the Irvine Burns Club who gave us an extremely warm welcome. After being shown a mural that explains … Continue reading

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Guid Nychburris Celebrations

Accomanied by JVP Colin Gibson we attended the annual Guid Nychburris celebrations as guests of The Dumfries Cornets Club. Having processed to the Mid Steeple we enjoyed the reading of the charter and crowning ceremony before making our way back … Continue reading

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Club Soiree

Can I take this opportunity to thank all those who attended and contributed to last nights soirée. It was a great night with loads of laughs. For some reason I have a sore head this morning, I think it must’ve … Continue reading

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Mission Accomplished

I was in Portpatrick with Lisa and whilst there was tasked by Hon Sec D Smith BEM of obtaining a photograph of the statue of Burns situated in the grounds of the bowling green. It was erected on 1st May … Continue reading

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On Sunday 10th May 2015, I attended at Coldstream to lay a wreath on behalf of the club at the annual Coldstream bridge ceremony. Accompanied by Hon Sec past president D Smith, past president Ian McIntyre and SVP William Johnstone … Continue reading

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It won’t be long now

Well only a couple of hours to go until our AGM. I must admit it is quite a daunting prospect when thinking about becoming president of one of the worlds most famous Burns clubs however I am looking forward to … Continue reading

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President’s Update The Devil’s Porridge

President’s notes on the Trip to the ‘Devil’s Porridge’ April 2015. Final Blog The last outing by the Burns’ Howff Club in my term of office was to the Devil’s Porridge at Eastriggs on 30th April 2015 An almost full … Continue reading

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President’s Blog Dumfries Ladies Burns Club Social Evening at ‘The Hole In The Wa’

Dumfries Ladies Burns Club 22nd April 2015, ‘Hole In The Wa’ On Wed 22nd April 2015, David Smith and I were delighted to attend the last social of the Dumfries Ladies Burns Club for the 2014/15 programme, held in the … Continue reading

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